Nikken mô tả sản phẩm và ký hiệu

Nikken mô tả sản phẩm và ký hiệu

Vũ Trí Sang
19, January, 2017
NIKKEN products description


Explanation for the Alphabet
R: for soft back humid proof
R :for water and heat proof, polyester resin
A: for aluminum oxide
C:for CW type paper, resin- paper
S:for sheet (standard size 230 x 280 mm)
DS:for coated with DS white anti-blocked material
W:for water proof
T:for polyester
C:for silicone carbon grain
C:for CW back paper and Kraft paper
S:for sheet size 9"x 11"
D:for dry sanding paper
R:for heavy resin
W:for aluminum oxide grain
CW:for c type back paper
B:-for belt
DS:for grain stone